Candidates Respond to ETA-CAE Transit & Mobility Questionnaire
Evanston Transit Alliance and Climate Action Evanston sent a four-question survey to all mayoral and city council candidates on the subjects of mobility and transit. We created this questionnaire to raise awareness for these issues and to help educate voters on candidate’s platforms ahead of the April 1st, 2025 municipal election. Of the 21 total ballot and write-in candidates, we received replies from 17- a response rate of over 80%!
More than 2/3rds of candidates said they regularly walked or cycled, including for childcare, shopping/groceries, or for commuting to work, while roughly 1/3rd used transit for these trips.
Candidates identified over 25 miles of potential pedestrian and bike improvements, with support for initiatives currently underway such as the Chicago Ave Multimodal Project and the North Shore Channel Trail extension to Wilmette.
The most commonly mentioned topics on public transit improvements were ADA-Accessible Train Stations/Bus Shelters, improving the frequency/reliability of bus service, adding more Divvy Bikeshare locations, and building a station along the CTA Yellow Line to serve South Evanston.
There is also significant support for increasing density downtown/ near transit stations (TOD) and eliminating or reducing minimum car parking requirements.
Full responses are listed by ward and the order candidates will appear on the ballot. Thank you to all candidates for the time and consideration in writing thoughtful and engaging replies. Evanston is extremely fortunate to have so many candidates running for office that support Pedestrian, Bike, Transit, and Climate issues.
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